Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Dresser to Bench

Well, we know is has been ages since we have last made a post so here goes...

We picked up a dresser a few weeks ago and it was missing a few drawers. We saw the potential it had in it that others missed. So, we decided to make a bench! 

We forgot to get a before picture of the dresser because I, Kamille, was to impatient to start the demo :)

This is a picture where you can see how the bench is going to look. We took the top off and all the drawers out. We then cut the top down to fit as the bench top (always reuse as much as you can). 

We were going to put the drawer facings on the back and sides but since the dresser was missing some drawers we did not have enough. Luckily, we had some bead board we bought for a different project so we measured and cut to size. Top of the tops with some molding and we are almost done! 

We gave it a nice coat of our favorite blue. Added some new hardware and topped it off with some burlap pillows. 

What do you guys think? We have had some good feedback on facebook already! 

This can be purchased at Timeless Furnishings, 1918 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301

Find us on facebook here


  1. love it love it love it

  2. Oh I am dying over this beauty and am looking at it wanting to make a custom seat for it. I would love to make one of these but then I would need to get a bigger home.

  3. Thank you! @terry - You will just have to start switching items out in your home :)

  4. Wow!! I LOVE this!! Super job!! I wish I could make something like this! Love the color.

    -Kim :)

    1. Thank you Kim! All you need to do is try. Never know what you can do until you give it a try

  5. Amazing- love it! Thank you for linking up at Feathered Nest Friday!

  6. Wow...That is adorable...wish I had the creativity to come up with this stuff! I love it!

  7. I love this! What a creative and fantastic project.

  8. I'm going to keep my eyes open for the perfect dresser to do this to! Good job!

  9. I just pinned this to pinterest...after 20 min there were 80 repins on this. It's a WINNER!! :)

  10. Love it Kamille! Super duper cuteness!!!

  11. Oh wow, I love that color - well done! I had to post this to our facebook page! Thanks so much for linking up, we hope you'll be back in 2 weeks to link again!

  12. Wow, its cute! Bakersfield is only a couple of hours south of me. If I had space in my house (I am packed to the gills as it is) I might consider.....

  13. I love this piece. It would go perfectly in my home. I will need to keep this in mind as i am looking for dressers and a bench for my house. Way cute!!

  14. This is exactly what we've been looking for! My girls are redoing their room and I suggested so much with their old bureau and they thought I was nuts... then today I see this. Thanks!


  15. Wow this is an amazing use of an otherwise unusable dresser.Great Job!!! PS I too get overly excited to start a project and forget to take "before" pics, don't fret : )

  16. Love this! Just posted it on our fave furniture Fridays series. Check it out!

  17. Great!! Would love to know what "blue" you used. I have two pieces to paint and this is the shade I would love.

    1. Hi Erin. Unfortunately we are not giving out the color. This is custom color made for our furniture we sell

  18. Adorable!! Love this makeover/repurpose and would love to try it one day. Thanks for sharing. Am fairly new to blogging and have posted a few before/after makeovers if you want to pop over and see. Thanks again.

  19. Love it! Are the drawers functional?

  20. Did you have to reinforce the bottom of the seat part

    1. It depends on the dresser. We did not have to reinforce anything on this. Once the backing was added it was very sturdy.

  21. Love this!! What kind of paint did you use? I love the textured look!

    1. Satin paint with a dark wax. Unfortunately, we do not give out our paint information. Hope this helps!

  22. Love the bench, it's simple adorbs!! I was wondering though, all dressers simply have that flimsy little brittle piece of wood. How do you reinforce it to support someone's weight?
    Sorry for posting as Anonymous, but I dont have an account. My name is Bea :)

  23. I love this idea! I have an old dresser that is perfect for this weekend it's on! I'm curious, was it sturdy enough to sit on? I'm wondering if I should reinforce it or just use it for decoration? Thanks so much for sharing :)

  24. My Gosh this is COOOOOL! I love it and love the distressing you have done on it. IT is just downright ingenius!!

  25. So smart...keep the ideas coming!

  26. I have had an old dresser that my grandmother bought us for a wedding gift and it has spent time as craft storage and now the drawers are falling apart. I can't bear to get rid of it and this is the perfect answer. I have some old curtains that my grandmother tatted and they would make a great bench pad! Thanks for the inspiration!

  27. I have an old dresser that I use to store craft stuff in but the drawers are giving way. It was a wedding gift from my Grandmother and I can't bear to part with it. This is the solution. I have some old curtains that she tatted on and they will make a great bench pad! Thanks for.the inspiration.

  28. That's a great color Blue, what brand of paint and color is it? BTW- saw you on Crafty in Canada blog. :-)

    1. Hi. It's a custom color of ours. We do not give out our color information. Sorry for the inconvenience

  29. one of our neighbors was throwing out an old dresser and i have already started the demo on it. having some trouble with it because the back is so thin. i may just replace the back and i am going to have to add a board for the seat also. i am so excited to finish it and have it by our front door for the holidays :) thank so much for the idea.

  30. i can't wait to go and hunt for a o bfew mess up desser built my self a few bench's like the one u it,love it even the color
